The Imminent Spiritual World Transition
Many things happen in the world which are indeed very discouraging, one would lose courage observing it. True untainted people of integrity are rare in this world and the majority do not pay them any attention or give them any credit because their psychic state does not allow it. Humanity has reached the lowest point of its voyage through matter, finds itself at the utmost dense layer of existence, further crystallization is impossible. Art, science, religion and politics as we have known them thus far, have lost their value as valid sources of help or perspectives of life.
It is exactly in this situation of general helplessness that a new possibility comes up thanks to the work of the Sevenfold World Brotherhood of whom the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross is an extension. In the near future, we believe that the attitude expected of us will be that of a true serving love. Therefore all who understand this call will make ready and dedicate themselves to the Great Work for a humanity that is in a desperate search for living examples - archetypes of the heavenly man.
This will require a great number of contributors. You are humbly invited to learn about this imminent spiritual world transition!
You’re very welcome at this free lecture.The lecture will take place in Galway and Dublin.
Galway: Harbour Hotel, Cleggan Room, New Dock Road, Galway
Time: 20:15
Date: Monday 21st November
Dublin: The Lantern Centre, Ruah Room, 15 Synge Street, Dublin 8
Time: 20:15
Date: Tuesday 22nd November
Doors open 15 minutes before the start of an activity with coffee/tea. Kind regards, Lectorium Rosicrucianum