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Liberation from the Labyrinth

Who does not know the myth of Daedalus, the legendary builder of the labyrinth on Crete, where countless young people were sacrificed to the Minotaur until Theseus overcame the monster, aided by Ariadne?

Present humanity, deprived of traditional certainties and values, rediscovers itself in the chaotic labyrinth of life, in the chaos of heart and head. Because, in our current technology based global society, information and news spread themselves with the speed of light affecting everyone’s attitude and feelings. How do I prevent myself from getting lost and is there a way out?

And so the old myth of Daedalus accompanies us even now but misunderstood as to its real message. For this myth reflects our own life situation. Daedalus symbolizes the subconscious karmic unstoppable force that causes us to always open a door to a dead end, and making us feel so often fatally entangled. But this suffocating situation will eventually lead us to a limit, a boundary at which we will turn ourselves with heart and head and will step away from our old subconscious reaction patterns. Only then can Theseus-in-You grasp the luminous thread of Ariadne, which is awarded by the mystery schools of all ages to man, and that will lead out of the labyrinth.

You are welcome to this lecture to orient yourself on the opportunities offered by the International School of the Golden and Rosycross in this modern age.

It will take place from 20:00 to 22:00 on Wednesday 14th September in Jury’s Inn Hotel, Lee Room, Anderson’s Quay, Cork. Doors open 15 minutes before the start of an activity with coffee/tea. There is on street and paid parking available.

Kind regards,

Lectorium Rosicrucianum

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