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Gnosis and Christmas: Inner Light-birth (Galway, Cork & Dublin)

Elihu's lessons. The unity of life. The two selfs. Love - the savior of men.

Again Elihu met his pupils in the sacred grove and said:

‘No man lives unto himself; for every living thing is bound by cords to every other living thing.

Blest are the pure in heart; for they will love and not demand love in return.

They will not do to other men what they would not have other men do unto them.

There are two selfs; the higher and the lower self.

The higher self is human spirit clothed with soul, made in the form of God.

The lower self, the carnal self, the body of desires, is a reflection of the higher self, distorted by the murky ethers of the flesh.

The lower self is an illusion, and will pass away; the higher self is God in man, and will not pass away.

The higher self is the embodiment of truth; the lower self is truth reversed, and so is falsehood manifest.

The higher self is justice, mercy, love and right; the lower self is what the higher self is not’.

The Aquarian Gospel Chapter 8

Virtual reality glasses are the ultimate gift for Christmas 2015. With such glasses, we can literally at the blink of an eye 'move’ to a non-existent, computer-generated virtual reality. With all our senses we take this non-reality for granted, with our consciousness and senses we react and link ourselves.

But what if this situation would last and what if mankind would eventually get lost in this non-existent reality? What if mankind would gradually forget about his true self? Then, eventually and after many experiences, he would become a seeker. A seeker for his true self, a John-man.

A John-man is a being that, after a long search, has the profound experience that his true destination doesn’t lie in the world of the lower self. He experiences the world as a barren desert. That is why John, as a symbol of the yearning of our soul for light and truth, is born previous to Jesus and out of Elisabeth and Zachary, parents that are old and infertile; symbols of our many quests that led to nothing and remained fruitless.

When John is born within us, the readiness and will arise to explore new ways. The new born John-man is full of joy because he knows that the long sought justice, mercy, love and right are to be found within him as his Inner Light: symbolized as the inner Jesus. Within esoteric Christianity Jesus' birth is seen as the birth of the true self in the person who has become a John-man. This mysterious birth takes place exactly there where it’s least expected: in a cave and surrounded by animals. The Bethlehem cave symbolizes the human heart!

So put on another pair of glasses and have a new perspective on the symbolic and gnostic-spiritual meaning of the inner light-birth, the true Christmas.


Thursday December 10th, 7.30pm in Aras na nGael, Dominick Street 45 (1st floor), Galway

(for direction please click here)


Friday 11th December 16:30 to 18:00 in The Teaching Rooms, No. 6 Sidney Place, Wellington Road, Cork (for direction please click here)


Saturday 12th December 16:30 to 18:00 in The Lantern Centre, Ruah Room, 15 Synge Street, Dublin 8 (for direction please click here)

Kind regards,

Lectorium Rosicrucianum

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